Report from the 'zone

The delightful Stooges will be going to New York City in the middle of February to round off recording plans for their second album, which they’ll start immediately thereafter. They haven’t yet settled on a producer to replace John Cale, but they’ve narrowed the field to three.

February 1, 1970
Deday LaRene

Report from the 'zone

The delightful Stooges will be going to New York City in the middle of February to round off recording plans for their second album, which they’ll start immediately thereafter. They haven’t yet settled on a producer to replace John Cale, but they’ve narrowed the field to three. First, and the current favorite of Stooge management is Jim Peterman, formerly keyboard player with Steve Miller, and now a staff producer with Elektra. If Peterman produces, the band will probably record in Cincinnati, using the studio from which Lonnie Mack launched his possible resurgance. However, Danny Fields, currently neo-promotion man (East Coast) for Atlantic, the guy that turned Elektra on to both the Stooges and the MC5, is suggesting Eddie Kramer, who worked as engineer for the Stones, Traffic, and Led Zeppelin. It has been suggested that it was Kramer who did most of the actual production for the Zep. Of course, it has also been suggested that Jimmy Page played guitar on the early Kink$ hits. On the other hand, it has also been suggested that Paul McCartney has been dead for three years.

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