New York Pop Flops

Randalls Island’s New York Pop festival is over, but its meaning lingers on, haunting New York City, and affecting several rock festivals that have happened since. New York Pop was the festival where the radicals took over and were supposed to run the show but it didn’t work out; where Sly and the Family Stone didn’t play and there wasn’t a riot; where Vietcong and North Vietnamese flags flew from the stadium flagpoles, higher than the American flag; where nobdoy got paid in full; where one of the promoters' men got beat up at a ticket gate; where what a Grand Jury may soon decide was extortion, but really wasn’t, took place; and where there was one sixth the number of people expected yet four times the number of people than there were tickets sold.

August 1, 1970
Toby B. Mamis

New York Pop Flops

Randalls Island’s New York Pop festival is over, but its meaning lingers on, haunting New York City, and affecting several rock festivals that have happened since. New York Pop was the festival where the radicals took over and were supposed to run the show but it didn’t work out; where Sly and the Family Stone didn’t play and there wasn’t a riot; where Vietcong and North Vietnamese flags flew from the stadium flagpoles, higher than the American flag; where nobdoy got paid in full; where one of the promoters' men got beat up at a ticket gate; where what a Grand Jury may soon decide was extortion, but really wasn’t, took place; and where there was one sixth the number of people expected yet four times the number of people than there were tickets sold.

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