Alice’s New Show Lust, Greed & Dental Hygiene
Alice Cooper’s latest and most appropriate symbol is a dollar-sign, “S” transformed into a two-headed snake

Alice Cooper’s latest and most appropriate symbol is a dollar-sign, “S” transformed into a two-headed snake. This design graces the tail of the private jet which will carry the group and its entourage to each of the 56 cities on its current tour. The tour is, organized around its new album Billion Dollar Babies It will oei tainly bring tn more than $4,000,000 and while $4 000,000 isn't a billion, it's more than the: Rolling Stpnes made t: last time they raped Ameiica.
According to myth, such. grosses are gross, because Mice Cooper is a no-music hype who&e record-hreaking career ex ploits tawdry sh;ow1114:flshi[[) and ado lescerd gullibility in more-or?le~. equal PPt?*i00~ But if tt;$ grqss, U:~$~tflhlt. tQ be grS...:, like the g~:~ natioui. product, and anyway, it does have, content. Hync andshowrnsr.ship have ceflainly b:~p~. -. the group s manager Shep Gordon,_has linessed and hiazened Alice's predi led ion for tasteless outrage into the kt nd of media at ten uon that turns tust anothet rock hand into superstars. But Alice would never have begun to fill sports arenas without a couple of classic hard -rock singles, ``I'ni I 8" and ``SchooFs Out ." both vritten by Alice himself. and a ltn of hard touring, too. ihe only way lie `,ill coffi inue to t'~ll them is by con tinuing to exemplify the good old America ii work ethic. l'he Rolling Stones could hake iaked in S4,000,000-plus if they'd been willing to strain themselves. Ti c'~ declined.