Karen Carpenter on Mott The Hoople: "I didn't know who they were, but I thought they were the most amateurish group I'd ever seen. And as for that thing with the hair and shades and the boots..." Richard Carpenter: "They seemed to be trying to outdo each other to see who looked the weirdest.

Karen Carpenter on Mott The Hoople: "I didn't know who they were, but I thought they were the most amateurish group I'd ever seen. And as for that thing with the hair and shades and the boots..." Richard Carpenter: "They seemed to be trying to outdo each other to see who looked the weirdest. 'They're a jpke." I guess they haven't seen the New York Dolls yet. So at this magazine's expense, two tickets to the next Dolls" LA performance will be forwarded to the charm twins. Or maybe we should let them review the next llawkwind album...