Bowie: “Diamond Dogs” (RCA Victor). Bryan Ferry takes theatrical vocalism so far that David sounds feckless (at his worst) and sensitive (at his best) by comparison. This is much worse than best, escapist pessimism concocted from a pleasure dome: eat, snort and bugger little girls, for tomorrow we shall be peoploids — but tonight how about $6.98 for this piece of plastic?

Bowie: “Diamond Dogs” (RCA Victor). Bryan Ferry takes theatrical vocalism so far that David sounds feckless (at his worst) and sensitive (at his best) by comparison. This is much worse than best, escapist pessimism concocted from a pleasure dome: eat, snort and bugger little girls, for tomorrow we shall be peoploids — but tonight how about $6.98 for this piece of plastic? Say nay. C plus.
Eric Clapton: “461 Ocean Boulevard” (RSO). As unlikely as it seems,\lapton has taken being laid-back into a new dimension. Perhaps the most brilliant exploration of the metaphorical capacities of country blues ever attempted, way better than Taj Mahal for all of side one. One side two, unfortunately, he goes a little soft. But I’ll settle for two questionable live albums if he’ll give us a solo record as good as this every three years. A minus.