
I Dreamed I Was Onstage With KISS In My Maidenform Bra

Well, not exactly my idea of the perfect fantasy, but I was curious about life on the other side of the foot-lights.

August 1, 1975
Jaan Uhelszki

Well, not exactly my idea of the perfect fantasy, but I was curious about life on the other side of the foot-lights. Armed with an abundance of determination and a tight pair of Danskins (Danskin aren't only for dancing), I approached Larry Harris, the vice president of Casablanca Records with my plan: "How about if I join Kiss for a night?"

No answer, and then nervous laughter. Obviously, Larry thought I\ just wanted to know what it was like to mouth kiss 3 vampire! Sure, they were eager for a feature on the band but this scheme was just a little bizarre. I pushed* the point and they told me disturbing tales of other fresh faced females who were transformed into raging teenage nymphs after attending a Kiss concert. "But I don't want to see the show, I want to be in it!" I persisted. Reluctantly the Casablanca crowd conceded (only after making me promise not to call Kiss a glitter band), assuring me I could join these contorted Kewpie Dolls on stage fpr one number or four minutes, whatever camejirst, on the following Saturday.

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