Bob Seger Overnight Success...Finally!
"There it is," says Bob Seger, pointing his long arm to the west. "There's the hill I was telling you about."

"There it is," says Bob Seger, pointing his long arm to the west. "There's the hill I was telling you about."
It's a tiring incline, a quarter mile of road that winds upwards and disappears into the greenery of Michigan s Holly State Park. CREEM photographer Michael Marks is shuffling his feet, chuckling at the two figures in the sleek running sweats. Seger and I. Marks had watched us inhale a halfdozen cigarettes before breakfast. He thinks we're cracked. Maybe we are. But the 31-year-old singer/songwriter likes to run — not jog, really but run — preferably five days a week. So we take off up the hill on the first leg of a threemile run on a muggy Sunday afternoon.