Graham Parker Learns To Speak
Backstage at the Roxy Theatre, Graham Parker is coughing, spitting, smoking, growling, guzzling honey (of course he’s drinking—whattya expect?).

Backstage at the Roxy Theatre, Graham Parker is coughing, spitting, smoking, growling, guzzling honey (of course he’s drinking—whattya expect?); trying practically any ruse to stave off a vicious attack of laryngitis before the second set. Your loyal correspondent, vainly attempting to salvage an interview, has begun to hastily scribble multiple choice questions on the remnants of his famous writer’s note pad.
Hi, I'm Graham Parker, and I can't talk but I can produce primal screams upon demand that will turn your short hairs straight. And I can look tough without pinning my cheek up onto my forehead. And you will not overhype me the way you did Bruce Springsteen.