ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL: “The Wheel” (Capitol)::I began by wondering what unsuspecting swing band had provided the horn riff on “Am I High?” and ended by wondering whether they’d made it up themselves, as with so much that it good on this group’s most satisfying LP since their debut on United Artists.

by Robert Christgau ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL: “The Wheel” (Capitol)::I began by wondering what unsuspecting swing band had provided the horn riff on “Am I High?” and ended by wondering whether they’d made it up themselves, as with so much that it good on this group’s most satisfying LP since their debut'on United Artists. By now the songwriting has become almost straight; you might conceivably find “Somebody Stole His Body” on a white gospel album or “My Baby Thinks She’s a Train” on a Sun outtake. The distance that remains comes across as healthy, good-humored respect, especially for banality, which with this band often turns into dumb eloquence, as on the love song “I Can’t Handle It Now.” Inspirational Verse: “In French Baton Rouge might mean red stick/But to me it means broken heart.” A-