FINGERPRINTZ-Distinguishing Marks (Virgin):: This talented outfit had the misfortune to release their second album just after the Records blew the whistle on Virgin for lack of company support and just before the label came out with their big 'We support all our artists as long as they're XTC' blurb in the trades.

FINGERPRINTZ-Distinguishing Marks (Virgin):: This talented outfit had the misfortune to release their second album just after the Records blew the whistle on Virgin for lack of company support and just before the label came out with their big 'We support all our artists as long as they're XTC' blurb in the trades. Too bad this excellent disc got lost in the blooey, as if s crammed with highly addictive tunes ideal for turning your stereo into a dance machine or a soundtrack for cod stomping. R.J.
This month s Rock-A-Ramas were ibritten by Ranger Rick Johnson, Richard C. Walls, Richard Riegel and Lincoln D. Kirk.