Sex Lives of the Rolling Stones: A Competition
There ain’t any particular rules, except that entries will be graded on neatness, accuracy and what kind of pencil you use.
It hardly seems possible that the Stones have been around for almost ten years (those coots), but they still kick like a mule. If you’re a Stones fan, though, you don’t care about none of that flapdoodle — you’ve gotta have every record they ever made, and you’re bound to snarf up every last morsel of inside info and greasy gossip on the exiled Mod Princes.
In the interests of funk and prizes for all those who’ve paid consistent dues to Mick and the boys, we present the first bicentennial CREEM ROLLING STONES Q&A CONTEST. It’s easy enuff, but it’s hard all the time, and you’ll get as many kicks tearing into it as we got tearing it outa our brains, fan mags, wax grooves, etc.