
Is Cher More Man Than Russ Mael? Is Navel Lint Fuzzy?

I can never decide how I really feel about Cher, do you have that problem too?

March 1, 1976
Lisa Robinson

I can never decide how I really feel about Cher, do you have that problem too? Actually, I think I'm beginning to quite like her. There's all the obvious stuff: 1) She's truly a "product of the TV eye...packaged by the media," in no other age could "this" exist. (Yet, I'm not so sure that it's all that different than, say, Liz the old studi(^/star system of the 1930's. And, as David Geffen was there at the crucial point of her coming out, perhaps he can be Irving Thalberg, after all...) 2) Womert supposedly aren't threatened by her (whatever that means) because deep down they think (or so TV Guide tells us) that if they had all that time and money, rr inicurists, pedicurists, dermatologists, makeup artistes, masseurs, hairline experts, wigs, clothes. . . they too, could look like That. Of course they couldn't, but it's an interesting fantasy. 3) Men tell me all the time they don't find her sexy, because she's too cold, or something like that. But I think she is sexy.. .fascinating, anyway. And even though I know she chose it, knew what the gig was when she took it...still, it's interesting to see how she copes, and where she fits.

You may well ask why am I bothering With Cher is this, America's Only Rock 'n' Roll Magazine. may choose to ignore a medium that is watched by 40 to 50 million people as compared to the 250,000 who make an album go gold... But the fact remains that Cher is the closest thing there is to "rock" regularly on the very nature of her (aborted as it was) attempt to have rockstars on her show, and the "Marriage." Who else is there? Helen (you should pardon the expression) Reddy?? Having Helen Reddy host a "rock concert" TV shdw is surely something dreamed up by Monty Python.

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