Extension Chords

The Ultimate(?) Amplifier

Amplifier manufacturers, if they had their druthers, would produce not only the loudest amplifier in the world, but one with all the goodies the case could possibly hold packed inside. Well, L.D. Heater, up in Beaverton, Oregon, has tried to do just that and it's called Sound Vendor.

March 1, 1976
Eric Gaer

Amplifier manufacturers, if they had their druthers, would produce not only the loudest amplifier in the world, but one with all the goodies the case could possibly hold packed inside. Well, L.D. Heater, up in Beaverton, Oregon, has tried to do just that and it's called Sound Vendor.

Anvil Case Company has been brought in to put the speaker cabinet together; Frap provides two optional modules: a preamp and transducer, and a larg^ module of the same; db Labs donates modules like a power supply (50 watts RMS) for the preamps, a spectrum analyzer, an oscilJator, a 7-band graphic equalizer, a tuning module, and a single monitor (LED indicators); Seamoon adds their j fresh fuzz and funk machine as mod' ules; Alembic donates (?) a guitar interface preamp, a guitar preamp module, a low-level effects interface, a premium preamp, a blank module (lets you get creative), and a cigarette lighter.

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