Rock a Rama
BOB WELCH—French Kiss (Capitol)::An extremely annoying album, mainly because there are some very good songs here but you have to zero out the discofied arrangements to hear them. It’s hard to figure out just what Welch is up to—his well-tempered guitar and vocals constantly get dominated by the surroundings.
Rock a Rama
BOB WELCH—French Kiss (Capitol)::An extremely annoying album, mainly because there are some very good songs here but you have to zero out the discofied arrangements to hear them. It’s hard to figure out just what Welch is up to—his well-tempered guitar and vocals constantly get dominated by the surroundings. Spunfls like two rival radio stations caught in the same wavelength. Sticking out like a sore thumb is a lovely re-make of “Sentimental Lady,” with former associates Christine M. and Mick F. and Welch’s own replacement, Lindsey B., helping out, and its excellence only serves to make the rest of the LP that much more intolerable. B.A.