
First I would like to ask a very serious question. Is Iggy Pop Jewish and also I would like to thank you for your article on Bryan Ferry in your June Issue. It had lots of class. Again I would like to thank your staff for putting out the best Rock:Roll magazine on this planet.


Robert Christgou
Aerosmith: “Get Your Wings” (Columbia). Musicianly (all things are relative) inheritors of the Grand Funk principle: If a hard rock band is going to be dumb, it might as well be American dumb. B. Blue Oyster Cult: “Secret Treaties” (Columbia).

Sad news but true: Grin, a band on nearly every critic’s list for superstardom,has broken up. But reliable rumors have leader Nils Lofgren sliding into a solo project that will involve all the people who’ve helped him out over the years (among them Neil Young, Crazy Horse and Steve Stills).

Ed Ward
Hey, kids, bad news! Rock and roll gives you cancer. Well, not rock and roll per se, but the vinyl they press the records on. See, the plastic manufacturers use a gas called vinyl chloride to produce polyvinyl chloride, the plastic, and according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety, vinyl chloride gas has been causally linked with a rare form of liver cancer which has been showing up with increasing frequency in German plastic workers who were using PVC in manufacturing.

Lester Bangs & Jaan Uhelszki
Ted Nugent has been around for a long time; he’s paid his dues, he’s seen and played a hell of a lot of rock and roll.

Official Results of CREEM's David Bowie Lookalike Contest

The MAGGIE BELL Roadshow
Lisa Robinson
This past February Maggie Bell took a plane to Los Angeles along with her managers Peter Grant and Mark London for the start of her first American tour.

Alice Cooper’s Guide To Hollywood

Making it in Hollywood: THE HEAVY HALF-HUNDRED

David Marsh
I Was Afraid They’d All Be California Girls


Hollywood Consumers Guide
RODNEY BINGENHEIMER S ENGLISH DISCO (7561 Sunset Blvd. 876-9170) Accounts of the atrocities committed here are all over this Hollywood spread, leading to only one conclusion: this is a-place you must go. . . at least once. WHISKY A GO GO (8901 W. Sunset.

My Night Of Ecstasy With The J. Geils Band
Lester Bangs
Well, there’s a little bit of groupie in all of us...

Prime Time
Maxine Fabe
Every night as the sun goes down, while the night gets real dark and still, and the only sounds that reach my little one-room apartment from the street six flights down are the sharp cries of an occasional mugging, I take my phone off the hook, get out the Sara Lee triple-layer chocolate cake, and flip on the tube.

DEEP UP: The Mick Jagger Interview Part 2
Roy Carr
In this summary installment he waxes philosophical on the business, the people, and the effect that both have had on his mental and physical equilibrium.

At Least Nobody Threw Up
Lisa Robinson
Initially Eleganza met with disapproval, as well as more than a fair share of abuse.

R. Meltzer
For some reason people bowl but what’s the reason? Money? Yes, sometimes that’s why they bowl and as everybody knows money is the root of all evil (rhymes with weevil). Even $250 worth of money. And that’s exactly how much they give away (they’re cheap) on whatever the name of that bowling show is that they stick on channel 9 once in a while *usually unannounced in TV Guide).

Rewire Yourself
Products to Burn a Hole in Your Ear (And Your Pocket)
Richard Robinson
Among the many new audio products now on the shelves at your local hi-fi store is this 94 watt integrated stereo amplifier, the AU-6500, from Sansui.

Sucked Up By The Meatheads
Henry Edwards
Since I had volunteered to go to Atlanta, I did not feel it was my privilege to complain about visiting one of this fair city’s least distinctive shopping centers. Atlanta shopping centers, however, even if they do have a local movie theatre tucked into the center of their gut, are not among the eight wonders of the world.

Jaan Uhelszki
SUPER COPS (Universal):: In the old American custom of milking a gimmick we bring you Super Cops. Since Entertainmentland hasn’t gotten enough mileage out of the cop craze, they’re trying to squeeze out the last box office buck by presenting yet another slice of police life.

Confessions of a FILM FOX
California goes kissey face this month. The New York Dolls just completed a TV documentary called Looking For a Kiss. Not to be outdone, Casablanca’s Kiss will have a feature part in the Dick Clark production Werewolf of Woodstock. . . More smooch news: When Cher and David Geffen attended the opening of the Rocky Horror Show at the Roxy she didn’t mind at all When he gave her a few loveydovey pats here and there, BUT when a photographer asked her to give Geffen a “friendly kiss,” Cher flatly told him, “You’ll get THAT picture when hell freezes over.”

Stranded in the Jetstream
Ed Ward
If you’ve read this far in the issue and aren’t sick of the Rolling Stones (or “Mick,” as somebody referred to them at a party the other night), perhaps you’d best skip this review and rush right down to your local bookstore and get a copy of S.T.P. It’ll finish the job for sure.

David Bowie: Swan Dive into the Mung
Lester Bangs
D-d-d-decadence, that’s what this album’s all about, thematically and conceptually.