Rewire Yourself

Stereo In The Streets

Hearing has become the number one sense on the anatomical hit-parade of bodily functions! You can be dumb and blind, or maybe you can’t smell, but if you can hear — well then, you’ve, got it made. You can listen to or make music. Jose Feliciano, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder may be blind, but that hasn’t stopped them.

January 1, 1975
Larry Jaffe

Hearing has become the number one sense on the anatomical hit-parade of bodily functions! You can be dumb and blind, or maybe you can’t smell, but if you can hear — well then, you’ve, got it made. You can listen to or make music. Jose Feliciano, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder may be blind, but that hasn’t stopped them. And you the listener, the only thing between you and good music is a set of ears — that and a machine to hear it on.

Music is custom made for each individual. The same song played for several different people will produce several different reactions, appraisals and evaluations. For this reason the consumer must pick out equipment that suits him best. You must take into consideration your ears, the environment you will listen in and of course your budget. (Not necessarily in that order.) And in order to pick out this equipment for your listening enjoyment, you should have a fair understanding of what you are buying, or at least know what all the words mean.

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