Patti Smith, never one to neglect her rock 'n' roll roots, brought Fred "Sonic" Smith (formerly of the MC5) onstage for her "My Generation" encore when she. played Detroit's Ford Auditorium last March. Sonic hasn't been idle since then—he's been gigging with new band Rendezvous, which boasts Sonic on lead guitar, Scott Morgan, formerly of the Rationale, on vocals; Gary Rasmussen of the UP on bass, and Scott "Rock Action" Asheton of the Stooges on drums.

Patti Smith, never one to neglect her rock 'n' roll roots, brought Fred "Sonic" Smith (formerly of the MC5) onstage for her "My Generation" encore when she. played Detroit's Ford Auditorium last March. Sonic hasn't been idle since then—he's been gigging with new band Rendezvous, which boasts Sonic on lead guitar, Scott Morgan, formerly of the Rationale, on vocals; Gary Rasmussen of the UP on bass, and Scott "Rock Action" Asheton of the Stooges on drums. On the eve of an important date at Ann Arbor's Second Chance Patti sent Sonic a telegram: "Light and energy enclosed." Rumors are flying around the Motor City that Iggy is trying to talk Sonic into abandoning all to accompany The World's Forgotteh Boy... Don't bet on it.